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Pulse current measurement using NI PXI crate with NI SCOPE cards
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Accelerator Control System / PyPhoebusalarm
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterLibrary to write phoebus alarm configurations and convert from alarm handler files
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UBjLControls / Common / py-aaret
MIT LicenseUpdated -
nomad at hzb / nomad schemas / hysprint
Apache License 2.0Updated -
nomad at hzb / nomad parsers / hysprint
Apache License 2.0Updated -
nomad at hzb / nomad schemas / baseclasses
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Python script to convert wiki markdown files to html by using the pandoc/pypandoc library. The script tries to adjust relative markdown links by searching for >id< entries and include the file name in the corresponding >href< entries.
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Accelerator Control System / tools / bii_scripts
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlybii_scripts script collection
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Accelerator Control System / epics-support / mcan
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlymcan EPICS device support
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Pfeiffer, Götz / soft_devhwclient
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyEPICS device support that extends MultiCAN.
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LowDosePES issues, trackable documentation and eventually internal service Wiki
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Various issues of the PM4 beamline, trackable documentation and eventually internal service Wiki
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Accelerator Control System / epics-support / hgen
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyhgen EPICS device support. hgen is a C header file generator.
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Pulse current measurement using NI PXI crate with NI SCOPE cards
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This is a fork of motorPhytron (https://github.com/epics-motor/motorPhytron) with extensions of Berhard Kuner (https://github.com/bkuner/motorPhytron.git).
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Accelerator Control System / epics-base / base-7-0
EPICS Open LicenseHZB Version EPICS Base 7-0 with various branches.